Monday, December 2, 2013


What could be better than bracing yourself for living by an eternal perspective that is lived as a stranger and foreigner in this world, only to realize that we are actually coming home to a life we have longed for. The mixture of familiar and unfamiliar is a tension of words that can only be welded together by a life desiring what should be, and finding it is on the other end of effort that is focused merely on removing self imposed obstructions to the life longed for.

I have discovered nothing beyond what has been discovered before. I think I am the first to embark on a path that I struggle alone, only to find I am the last, uncovering volumes of the spiritual masters who have laid a path to follow. I see myself pressing to understand why so much is out of sorts only to realize I'm only inventing an inferior copy of Christianity that has been in place for centuries... things I might have learned from my sunday school if I'd only listened for personal application rather than assignment of blame and articulation of who should receive application.

Orthodoxy in these words means the Apostles Creed and the general conduct of those that hold to it.